Modern Greek Bible

Numbers 8


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Chapter 9


[] Kai elalhse KurioV proV ton Mwushn en th erhmw Sina, ton prwton mhna tou deuterou etouV afou exhlqon ek ghV Aiguptou, legwn,


AV kamnwsin oi uioi Israhl to pasca en tw kairw autou×


thn dekathn tetarthn hmeran toutou tou mhnoV proV esperan qelete kamei auto, kata ton kairon autou× kata panta ta nomima autou kai kata pasaV taV teletaV autou qelete kamei auto.


Kai elalhsen o MwushV proV touV uiouV Israhl dia na kamwsi to pasca.


Kai ekamon to pasca thn dekathn tetarthn tou prwtou mhnoV proV esperan en th erhmw Sina× kata panta osa prosetaxe KurioV eiV ton Mwushn, outwV ekamon oi uioi Israhl.


Kai euriskonto tineV, oitineV hsan akaqartoi apo nekrou swmatoV anqrwpou kai den hdunanto na kamwsi to pasca ekeinhn thn hmeran× kai hlqon emprosqen tou MwusewV kai emprosqen tou Aarwn thn hmeran ekeinhn.


Kai eipon oi andreV ekeinoi proV auton, HmeiV eimeqa akaqartoi apo nekrou swmatoV anqrwpou× dia ti empodizomeqa na prosferwmen to dwron tou Kuriou en tw kairw autou metaxu twn uiwn Israhl;


Kai eipe proV autouV o MwushV, Sthte autou kai qelw akousei ti qelei prostaxei o KurioV dia saV.


Kai elalhse KurioV proV ton Mwushn, legwn,


Eipe proV touV uiouV Israhl legwn, Ean tiV anqrwpoV ex umwn h ek twn genewn umwn geinh akaqartoV apo nekrou swmatoV, h hnai eiV odon makran, qelei kamei to pasca eiV ton Kurion×


thn dekathn tou deuterou mhnoV proV esperan qelousi kamei auto kai meta azumwn kai pikralidwn qelousi fagei auto.


Den qelousin afhsei ex autou mecri prwiaV oude qelousi suntriyei ostoun ex autou× kata panta ta nomima tou pasca qelousi kamei auto.


Kai o anqrwpoV ostiV kaqaroV wn, kai mh euriskomenoV eiV odon, leiyh apo tou na kamh to pasca, qelei exoloqreuqh h yuch ekeinh ek tou laou authV× epeidh den prosefere to dwron tou Kuriou en tw kairw autou, o anqrwpoV ekeinoV qelei bastasei thn amartian autou.


Ean de paroikh xenoV metaxu saV kai kamh to pasca eiV ton Kurion kata ta nomima tou pasca kai kata taV teletaV autou, outw qelei kamei auto× ton auton nomon qelete ecei kai dia ton xenon kai dia ton autocqona.


[] Kai thn hmeran kaq' hn esthqh h skhnh, ekaluyen h nefelh thn skhnhn, ton oikon tou marturiou× kai apo esperaV ewV prwi hto epi thV skhnhV wV eidoV puroV.


OutwV egineto pantote× h nefelh ekalupten authn thn hmeran kai eidoV puroV thn nukta.


Kai ote anebainen h nefelh apo thV skhnhV, tote eshkononto oi uioi Israhl× kai en tw topw, opou istato h nefelh, ekei estratopedeuon oi uioi Israhl.


Kata thn prostaghn tou Kuriou eshkononto oi uioi Israhl kai kata thn prostaghn tou Kuriou estratopedeuon× pasaV taV hmeraV kaq' aV h nefelh ekeito epi thV skhnhV, emenon estratopedeumenoi.


Kai ote h nefelh diemenen epi thV skhnhV pollaV hmeraV, tote oi uioi Israhl efulatton taV fulakaV tou Kuriou kai den eshkononto.


Kai opote men h nefelh istato epi thV skhnhV osasdhpote hmeraV, kata thn prostaghn tou Kuriou emenon estratopedeumenoi kai kata thn prostaghn tou Kuriou eshkononto.


Opote de h nefelh istato apo esperaV ewV prwi, to de prwi anebainen h nefelh, tote autoi eshkononto× eite thn hmeran eite thn nukta anebainen h nefelh, tote autoi eshkononto.


Duo hmeraV h ena mhna h en etoV ean diemenen h nefelh epi thV skhnhV, istamenh ep' authV, emenon estratopedeumenoi oi uioi Israhl kai den eshkononto× ote de auth anebainen, eshkononto.


Kata thn prostaghn tou Kuriou estratopedeuon kai kata thn prostaghn tou Kuriou eshkononto× efulatton taV fulakaV tou Kuriou, kaqwV prosetaxen o KurioV dia ceiroV tou MwusewV.

Numbers 10





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